What if I'm not familiar wtih any or all of the sororities?
You'll have ample opportunities to learn about the sororities on your campus. Before recruitment, visit all of the websites, both the national and local chapter. Look beyond the great photos each will have and study the types of programs and activites with which each is involved. Be aware of the philanthropic projects they support. During recruitment, ask questions. It is best not to make up your mind about joining a certain sorority until you have mets its active collegiate members. You are not joining a "name" but choosing a closely-knit group in which you expect to make lasting friendships in college and alumnae life. Chapters vary by college, so any advice you get before recruitment may not apply to that particular chapter.
What is a Legacy?
Generally, it is defined as a daughter or sister of an initiated member. Some sororities also recognize a granddaughter, step-daughter, or step-sister. Sororities try to extend every courtesy to legacies and try to get to know them, but sororities cannot guarantee invitations or membership. At times there are more legacies entering recruitment than a college chapter has membership openings. Legacies must meet the same qualification standards that non-legacies meet. If you are a legacy to any sororities, be sure and list them on your form.
What is the cost of belonging to a sorority?
Expenses for membership include new member fees, initiation fees, building fees, and dues. Fees will vary by sorority, so to secure accurate information regarding the expenses for each chapter on your campus, go to the college website under "Greek Life" or "Panhellenic Council". Costs may vary from year to year and one of these can provide reliable information. You and your parents should be clear about the financial responsibility before registering for recruitment. Failure to meet financial obligations can result in loss of membership.
What is Sorority Recruitment?
Each year sororities increase their membership through this mutual selection process. Sorority Recruitment is a formal process for prospective sorority members to meet women of the sorority chapters at the campus, and for the sorority women to meet the potential members. This is the time to learn about the values, traditions, and programming of the individual sororities; as well as learn more about sorority life. Recruitment is a mutual selection process that takes place over a period of several days, usually consisting of 3-4 rounds of parties or events - the emphasis is on you and the sorority membership to meet and for you to learn more about sorority life and their sorority in particular; conversation and getting to know each other. Recruitment is different at every campus; traditionally, colleges conduct formal recruitment in the fall, but some campuses, such as Baylor University, conduct sorority recruitment in the spring. Be sure to contact your campus for more information and to register for recruitment with your college's panhellenic office.
How do I register for recruitment?
The registration process varies from campus to campus. You should receive information during the summer from your college. College orientation is also a good time to ask questions. If you do not receive information by mid-July, we suggest you contact your college's Greek office or Panhellenic office. Many colleges provide this information through their website.
How can Longview Area Alumnae Panhellenic help me with sorority recruitment?
Sorority alumnae assist in the sorority recruitment process by providing recommendations, also called references to their collegiate chapters at various colleges and universities. To facilitate the recruitment process, prospective members from the Longview area may register their intent to participate in sorority recruitment with the Longview Area Alumnae Panhellenic.
What are references, or recommendations?
Recruitment references can be compared to job references. They are personal endorsements, from sorority women, of women going through the recruitment process. Our Longview Panhellenic Information Form provides the necessary information for Longview Area Panhellenic to write references or recommendations on your behalf. The Longview Area Alumnae Panhellenic distributes your information sheet to each respective sorority representative in the panhellenic's association. It also gives sororities advance notices that you plan to participate in recruitment; however, it does not guarantee an invitation to membership from a sorority.
What is the difference between a “letter of recommendation” and a “letter of support”?
A letter of recommendation is written by an alumna member of an organization for the purpose of introducing a woman to a chapter. It provides a brief description of her interests, activities and personality. This is what Longview Area Panhellenic does with each young lady’s packet. A letter of support is a personal letter of reference submitted by anyone who wishes to provide additional support to a young lady. No more than 2 letters of support are needed.
What do I do?
If you complete the Longview Panhellenic Information Form, we will make your information available to the Longview Area Panhellenic representatives of each NPC sorority at your campus, for them to use as appropriate.
Registration with Longview Area Alumnae Panhellenic does not register you for recruitment at the college. IT IS NECESSARY TO REGISTER WITH YOUR COLLEGE PANHELLENIC. You, as the prospective member, are responsible for registering for recruitment at your college's campus. College Panhellenics will provide information about what you can expect during the recruitment process on their campus, as well as information on each sorority on campus. When you register with your university’s Panhellenic, be sure and see which sororities are represented by Longview Panhellenic, so you don’t make more packets than are necessary. The information you receive from your college Panhellenic contains rules, dress guidelines, photo examples, etc. Be aware of deadlines. Ask what materials/information you need to submit (pictures, transcripts, fees, resume, etc.).
Please note that all required items (pictures, transcripts, forms) are now uploaded electronically, which negates the expense of folders, designs, etc.
Where can I find more information?
This website provides information and answers about the recruitment process and sorority life.
Being in a sorority is NOT what you see on TV and in movies. Yes, there are social functions, fraternity men, and visitors from the international organizations, but life does not revolve around these things. It is so much more!
What it is:
- A life-long support system that provides career opportunities and networking opportunities during college and in the real world.
- An organization that values philanthropy and community service.
- A place where women learn to be leaders.
- A place to meet amazing friends who will always be there for you when you need them.
- A place to enjoy formal dances, date parties, and other fun social events.
What it is NOT:
- A place that puts your looks and wardrobe ahead of your values and personality.
- Full of ditzy girls who are only out to have a good time.
- A place that will haze you or make you do things against your will.
- Full of rich, spoiled, and snobby girls.
- A place that is only interested in your money while you’re in school and will forget about you after you graduate.